Dreamworks Dental Savings Plan

Traditional dental insurance costs can be expensive, and paying out of pocket can cost a fortune. This can result in neglecting your smile and can cause severe dental issues down the road. Why should you feel pressured by the cost when you deserve a healthy smile? At Dreamworks Dental and Orthodontics – Arlington, we believe that excellent oral hygiene is vital for healthy teeth and gums, which is why we care for our patients. We proudly announce our Dreamworks Dental Savings Plan that can help you save a fortune on your regular dental visits.

Our Dreamworks Savings Plan is a membership plan, not an insurance plan. This plan is designed for families of four members or single individuals who will have access to exams, X-Rays, cleanings twice a year, and complimentary teeth whitening once a year. There is no waiting period; coverage will begin after payment is received. The Dreamworks Dental Savings Plan can help families and individuals save up to $2,394 annually by joining our plan. To top it off, we provide 25% off all major dental work for patients under our program so that they can save even more. Our goal is to help the community receive the advanced and affordable dental care they deserve. If you are interested in learning more about our Dreamworks Dental Savings Plan or if you need to apply, please call us at (817) 465-9000 or schedule an appointment, and we would be happy to discuss this plan with you and answer any questions that you may have.

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